- Gerald Dong (N6ZLH) served as Club President.
- During this year, our former Club President (1980-82) Wayne Yoshida (KH6WZ) joined us to participate in the CQWW contest.
- Wayne was the Sales Manager for Kenwood. He brought a TL922A linear for the contest and donated it to the shack after the contest. Many thanks Wayne!
- We finally retired the good old Heathkit SB220 after many years of faithful service (see Picture #08).
- Ron Howard (WK6Y) adds our club become a part of the UCLA Emergency Communications Network.
- Thirty UCLA hams participated in the network. We had many drills throughout the year.
- Disaster struck again! The San Fernando Valley earthquake left our shack in shambles.
- All the book cabinets and chairs were broken. Old QST’s, CQ, and 73 magazines were all over the floor.
- All the legs of the good old wooden operating table were broken.
- The Club activities came to an instant halt.
- Luis Pacheco (AB6KM) became our Club President.
- He obtained a new ICOM RP4020 440 repeater for our shack (through a complaint to a contractor who damaged our equipment, and ruined our shack’s rug and floor with their tar-covered shoes, a long story!).
- Dave Ditlow (KC6LDO) became our Club President,
- Actively sought funding and renovation for our station from the Engineering School and the UCLA Emergency Communication Operations.
- Assistant Dean Lydia Kowalski agreed to help us in renovating the shack.
- The shack had a new face lift.
- A new tiled floor was installed, and walls repainted.
- Thanks to Assistant Dean Lydia Kowalski and Jim Stewart.
- Dave (KC6LDO) and Dave Timoshik (WA6AYI) designed the new operating table which was assembled inside the shack in one afternoon.
- The Telrex beam was replaced by a new Force 12 beam (donated by the UCLA Emergency Communication Operations).
- Dave (WA6AYI) installed a stainless steel rotator shaft (weighs over a hundred pounds!) inside the tower single-handed.
- Dave (WA6AYI) became our Club President after Dave (KC6LDO, now K6LDO) left UCLA.
- Jim Shryne (AC6YV) serves as our Secretary and Treasurer, and his XYL Rachael (KE6SDB) as QSL manager.
- With the help of Dave Hutter (KE6TZX), the old satellite antennas came back to life.
- We purchased a dual-band FT-5100 tranceiver. Dave (WA6AYI) worked Hawaii via OSCAR almost every day.
- We also became active in PSK31. Numerous QSO’s were made via this new mode.
- Following our club tradition, members continue to participate in all the major contests, especially the CQWW and ARRL 160M CW and SSB contests.