- Marty Woll (N6VI, formerly WB6VZI) became Club President and held the post until 1972.
- George Tauxe (W6FJT) was the Faculty Advisor.
- Funds from UCLA Recreational Affairs were obtained to purchase a new Drake 4-line.
- Member Clint Bauer (WB6WIT) and Marty managed to obtain an auto-tune HB3-1000Z HF amplifier from Henry Radio.
- A 20′ tower with 4-element triband quad and a 2-element 40m beam plus dipoles on 80 and 160m were installed.
- The shack had bad echoes from the concrete walls that became a hallmark of our SSB signals.
- A 2-weekend “DXpedition” to Nevada was arranged for the ARRL DX Contest. Gene Rock (K7OQQ) was the host for our visit.
- The new Drake 4-line did not last long. It was stolen the same year!
- Other active members were Ron Ellis (now KH6DV) and Astronomy Professor John Irwin (K6SE).
- Awarded DXCC (150 countries).
- Purchased a used Drake T-4XB Xmtr. Traded in the National NCX-5 transceiver for a Drake R-4A Receiver to match the T-4XB.
- The Club was very active in contests. Marty (N6VI) participated in the WPX contest (single op.) and obtained a score of 877,965 points.
- The antenna rotator gave us fits.
- The UCLA basketball team was winning continuously in Pauley Pavilion.
- Mini-skirts and bell-bottoms were seen in our shack, though not on the same person at the same time.
- Ken Seidner (WA6DPQ) began his 3-year term as Club President.
- The Club continued to be very active.
- Used HB3-1000Z amplifier to good effect.
- Participated (and won) the College Bowl Contest.
- Lots of activity. Participated in FD.
- Many phone patches being run to South America by club members from that continent.
- Lots of contesting.
- W6YRA big signal on 160 and on OSCAR 6 (?).
- Procured better rotator.
- Began OSCAR satellite operations using Heath transverter on 2 m and 10 meter quad for downlink. Homebrew orbit calculators and slide rules in use.
- Rebuilt quad using teflon wire after many failures of original copperweld. Had to tune it up carefully. Big signal resulted.
- Built SB220 amp after 3-1000Z reclaimed by graduating owner.
- Some club members worked at Henry Radio (close to campus), so we got a discount!
- Club active in Mardi Gras – rebuilt the REAL, GENUINE, ORIGINAL Star Trek helm and made it work, lights and all (hard to believe, but true) as part of ESUC booth.
- Traded in the Drake R4-A and T4X-B for a Kenwood TS-900 + VFO-900 with a Shure-444 Mike.
- Big signals, lots of stations worked.
- Received TVI QSL from US Congressman, who was contacted by old lady in Century City whose TV picked us up on 6-m AM. She noted that she normally received only sound on Ch 2, no picture, indicating she was truly tuned close to our operating frequency. Message from Congressman resulted in shutting down 6-m AM activity, for some reason.
- Ken Seidner (WA6DPQ) and Rocco Lardiere (NK6N) participated in WPX Contest, and attained first place in the 6-th district.
- Ken Seidner (WA6DPQ) and Rocco Lardiere (N6KN) graduated—only to find themselves working together on real space vehicles at McDonnell Douglas a few years later.
- McDonnell Douglas Huntington Beach picked up a slightly used 40-m beam when it departs W6YRA in 1983.
- George Tauxe (W6FJT) retired after serving as Trustee and Faculty Advisor of W6YRA since 1969.
- Paul Wang (KU6T) took over the job in November,1978.
- During this year, we had 58 active members.
- Jeff Hillman (AI6K) served as the Club President, Jack Burke (KA6ARN) as Vice President, and Leslie Kuhn (WD6BAY) as Secretary and Treasurer.
- Leslie did an outstanding job in redecorating the shack, and in designing the QSL cards which are still in use today (see Home page).
- The Club members donated money to put in a new rug and furniture for the shack.
- The Kenwood TS-900S was the work-horse rig of the Club.
- An ICOM IC221 was used for 2M.
- Rocco (N6KN), Art Tanaka (WA6TKO), Jeff (AI6K), Leslie (WD6BAY), and Daniel Cafaro participated in the WPX SSB contest, and attained first place in the 6-th district (multi-single) with a score of 890,442 points.
- Traded in our old faithful TS900S + VFO-900 for a brand new Kenwood TS180S. That was a mistake. Within a year, the rig’s final transistors were burnt out. It cost us over $100 to replace them. It appeared that radios with transistor finals were to too fragile for our club station. Tube finals seldom suffered instant death!
- Jeff (AI6K), Bob Maxwell (WB6LHO), Leslie (WD6BAY), Ken (WA6DPQ),and Rocco (N6KN) participated in the WPX SSB Contest, and attained first place in the 6-th district (4-th place in the U.S.) with a score of 2,115,608 points!